Rusylvia Cattle 2

Rusylvia Cattle had always loved the performance, mothering and quality of the Maine Angus Cross in their commercial calves. When thinking of expanding they started acquiring purebred Angus cows in 2008 from some of the following herd dispersal KBJ and Mountain View Farms . Plus in 2015 Riley acquired the Bidwell Herd from Marshall Stachniak (who hand selected females across western Canada). Using top AI sires like SAV Final Answer, SAV Resource, SAV Density, SAV Net Worth, SAV President, SAV Harvestor, SAV International, Basin Payweight, Colburn Primo, Soo Line Motive, Musgrave Stunner, Brooking Banknote plus walking sires from Duralta, Belvin , Peak Dot and Johnson’s has made a lasting effect on the herd.
The last several years using ET genetics has proven to be a sound investment in genetics noted for predictably.